Perlmutter on “Avoiding a ‘Nuclear Veto’ in Hiring”
Another essay in my "P&T Confidential" column appeared. David D. Perlmutter. "Avoiding a 'Nuclear Veto' in Hiring." Chronicle of Higher Education, December 3, 2009. It's about what I call the "nuclear veto" in hiring. You as a candidate may write or speak tens of thousands of words in your job-application materials, interviews, and presentations; 99.9 percent of your comments may find a favorable response with members of the hiring committee. But if you make one remark that hits a sour note, is misinterpreted, offends someone, or upsets some pet idea or theory, that single misstep can be fatal to your hiring…what can you do about it?
Originally posted January 18, 2010 at PolicyByBlog...