Are Blogs Feminine?
Whoever you are, female Gender Studies grad student, Republican male politician, male Marine in Falluja, you probably blog (partly) in the feminine style....What do I mean?
Let me get theoretical on you.
Blogs are about personal relationships. Interaction. Even intimacy.
Now, intimacy between leaders and the group, even if historically it has been part of male-to-male fellowship in war, sports, or politics, has elements of what students of political communication have called the "feminine style" in campaigns and elections. While this sort of classification scheme can often devolve into stereotypes of sensitive women and tough men, there is a considerable weight of research that suggests that a feminine style of public speechmaking includes the following:
(a) the address is made person-to-person, intimate, with personal pronouns;
(b) the speaker relates personal experiences that intentionally connect with probable personal experiences of the audience;
(c) the speaker offers anecdotes and stories as justifications for positions held
(d) the speaker invites the audience to actively participate in some...