Latest Chronicle Column: “The Best Problem: Dealing With More Than One Job Offer”

Chronicle publishes my latest "Career Confidential" column. David D. Perlmutter. "The Best Problem: Dealing With More Than One Job Offer." Chronicle of Higher Education, May 10, 2013, pp. A35.  "In the movie Broadcast News, William Hurt's smooth character, rapidly promoted toward anchorman stardom, asks his less-successful schlumpy colleague, played by Albert Brooks: 'What do you do when your real life exceeds your dreams?'               Brooks replies: 'Keep it to yourself.'               Yes, it's tough on the job market for tenure-track positions. Nevertheless, thousands of tenure-track offers are made every year across the disciplines, and contract negotiation is the important next step. But what if you get more than one offer, or anticipate another one? I have no national statistic on that occurrence, but I have experienced and heard from many department chairs that top candidates for assistant professorships often receive multiple offers." [Read More]  ...
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Latest Chronicle Column: “The Etiquette of Accepting a Job Offer”

Chronicle publishes my latest "Career Confidential" column. David D. Perlmutter. "The Etiquette of Accepting a Job Offer." Chronicle of Higher Education, April 5, 2013, pp. A40-41.  "The academic job market is overcrowded, but departments are hiring, and each year thousands of graduate students and other candidates will get phone calls offering them tenure-track positions. It is typically a moment of mutual giddiness. The department heads are excited at the prospect of a terrific new colleague; the job applicants now know that their immediate future is assured. Then, well, complications may ensue." [read more] ...
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Perlmutter to be Dean at Texas Tech University

It's official: On June 30 I will step down as director of the Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I have been offered and have accepted the position of Dean of the College of Media & Communication at Texas Tech University and will start there July 1. I am very proud of my time with the great people of Iowa. We can cite a long list of achievements, including the building of the Moeller Research Lab; our new Master of Strategic Communication degree; the Philanthropy and Fundraising Certificate program; the extension of doctoral funding to four years; the hiring of a large, innovative cohort of new faculty; the considerable upgrade and revision of our graduate and undergraduate curricula; the increase in quantity and quality of student services (including internship and career counseling); the expansion and greater involvement of our Professional Advisory Board and engagement with the state of Iowa, our peers, and the industry; and, not least, achieving full accreditation...
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