Know the Vital Players in Your Career: External Reviewers
David D. Perlmutter. “Know the Vital Players in Your Career: External Reviewers.” Chronicle of Higher Education, January 27, 2014, p. A31.By David D. Perlmutter
JANUARY 27, 2014
Brian Taylor for The Chronicle
The first time I served as an external reviewer for a candidate’s tenure bid at another university, I had just gotten tenure myself. I was flattered to be asked and wanted to do a good job at what I felt, and still feel, is one of the most sacred tasks of the tenured professor: evaluating whether or not to induct someone into our guild.
So I was ready to do my duty. The only problem? The state of the tenure file I received. It could have been a test case in how not to present a tenure packet to an external reviewer. (more…)...