Know the Vital Players in Your Career: Your Own Actions

David D. Perlmutter. “Know the Vital Players in Your Career: Your Own Actions.” Chronicle of Higher Education, October 32, 2014, pp. A36-37. October 27, 2014 Know the Vital Players in Your Career: Your Own Actions Do good, be good, and let others know you are good. Victoria Horton, Creative Commons By David D. Perlmutter Too many would-be academics never finish their dissertations, never get tenure-track jobs, or never earn tenure—through no fault of their own—to believe that success in higher education simply requires pulling yourself up by your cognitive bootstraps. That said, you can’t always fault bad luck or lousy advisers. Sometimes your own action, or inaction, is to blame. I’ve spent the past year writing this series about all of the players who can affect your career: the department chair, the head of the P&T committee,the faculty factions, the senior campus administrators, the external evaluators, the university P&T committee, your graduate-school or tenure-track peers, and, most recently, your own attitudes and habits of mind. Now I want to close this series by making the following case: It’s not enough to know...
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